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Lifestyle Podcast
  • 1015
  • 158


The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle As a Family

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally […]

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The Science Podcast
  • 626
  • 136


Student Questions: Farmersburg

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally […]

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Lifestyle Podcast
  • 127
  • 16


Pros and Cons of a Lifestyle Vacation Club

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally […]

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Tech Podcast
  • 735
  • 101


Small Business Owners: Utilizing Technology to Improve Profits

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

Utilizing technology as a competitive weapon allows you to differentiate from your competitors in the marketplace. Technology helps profits to increase, by reducing expenses and errors, while customers are delighted with product and ‘wowed’ by service, sharing its benefit with others. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and […]

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Tech Podcast
  • 349
  • 74


Does Technology Benefit Young Children’s Education?

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

Parents battle with their kids with their use of tablets, mobile phones, TV, and streaming services. How can a parent balance a child’s use of technology with education? No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. Success is not final; failure is […]

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Tech Podcast
  • 348
  • 121


Do Boards Need a Technology Audit Committee?

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

What does FedEx, Pfizer, Wachovia, 3Com, Mellon Financial, Shurgard Storage, Sempra Energy and Proctor & Gamble have in common? Technology decisions will outlive the tenure of the management team making those decisions.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. Success is […]

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Tech Podcast
  • 669
  • 204


Leveraging Technology for Organisational Excellence

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

Technology & HR-Leverage one for the other: “Technology and HR are enablers of business. Integration of the two would mean not only harmonious co-existence but also leveraging one for the other. Leveraging of technology for HR would mean. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure […]

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Podcast For Success
  • 727
  • 206


2 Different Ways to Look at What A Successful Person Is

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

The concept of success taught to us by society is usually based on financial success or owning a nice home. However, there is also another different way to look at the concept of success.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. […]

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Tech Podcast
  • 338
  • 124


How Can Instructional Technology Make Teaching and Learning More Effective?

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

Today, many classroom teachers may lack personal experience with technology and present an additional challenge. Technology provides teachers with the instructional technology tools they need to operate more efficiently and to be more responsive to the individual needs of their students.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and […]

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Nature Podcast
  • 591
  • 205


Documentary Funding: The Fundraising Secret That Will Take You From Zero to $50,000

Rokon Uz Zaman January 23, 2019

Filmmakers often have the fantasy that one big wealthy donor or a big foundation will write one big fat check to cover the full budget of the film. That can happen, however there’s a secret fundraising strategy that is usually much more effective.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which […]

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